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1-4 de 4
- 10 % Limited time deal
Imagen de Josef Hoffmann Sofa 3 Seater Cubus (1910)

Josef Hoffmann Sofa 3 Seater Cubus (1910)

Sofa cube, 3-seater, Josef Hoffmann, width 224 cm, depth 72 cm, height 77 cm, base: solid beechwood, upholstery: solid polyurethane foam (cover-resistant)
available and ready to ship
$28.00 sin impuestos Lowest: $31.20 sin impuestos
- 15 % Deal
Imagen de Mies van der Rohe Barcelona - Loveseat sofa (1929)

Mies van der Rohe Barcelona - Loveseat sofa (1929)

Armchair Barcelona long, Designer: Mies van der Rohe, L x D x H: 147 x 75 x 75 cm, chrome-plated frame of special spring steel, covering: core leather strips...
7 working days
de $19.03 sin impuestos Lowest: $22.39 sin impuestos
- 15 % Deal
Imagen de Le Corbusier LC2 sofa, 3-seater (1929)

Le Corbusier LC2 sofa, 3-seater (1929)

Sofa 3-seater LC 2, Designer: Le Corbusier, tubular steel frame (chrome), cushions of polyurethane foam and dacron wadding, seat upholstery with down, cover:...
7 working days
de $13.59 sin impuestos Lowest: $15.99 sin impuestos
- 28 % Deal
Imagen de Josef Hoffmann sofa 2-seater Cubus (1910)

Josef Hoffmann sofa 2-seater Cubus (1910)

Sofa Kubus, 2-seater, Designer: Josef Hoffmann, width 166 cm, depth 72 cm, height 77 cm, base frame: solid beech wood, upholstery: solid polyurethane foam (d...
7 working days
de $17.91 sin impuestos Lowest: $24.79 sin impuestos